US warning on India nuclear deal
The US secretary of state for South Asia has again urged India speedily to complete all the steps required to conclude a civilian nuclear deal. Richard Boucher warned that "time is tight" if the deal is to be signed off by the American Congress before presidential polls in November. Objections from the Indian government's communist allies have delayed the deal. Under the terms of the controversial deal, India would get access to US civilian nuclear technology and fuel.
In return, Delhi would open its civilian nuclear facilities to inspection - its nuclear weapons sites would remain off-limits.
The deal has been vigorously resisted by India's communist parties, who argue that it would give the US undue influence over India's foreign and nuclear policy. "I am certainly aware that things fall apart... but on the other hand, my job is to make things work. What I am focused on right now is how to make things succeed. We both want this to happen," said Mr Boucher, who is on a two day visit to India. "We are kind of playing in overtime right now," he said.
Mr Boucher is the latest in a string of American visitors to Delhi who have urged India over the last month to go ahead with the deal. |